Hustle - Season 2 Episode 2 - REUNION

08 Dec 2020

The gang is working on a con with several marks to sell fake religious books, when Albert (who should be doing his part) goes AWOL, with a good enough reason. A close friend of his recently died in hospital, leaving him with immense grief and uncertainty about his future, and causes him to head to a church to contemplate things.

When he returns, he apologizes for his actions and, to make up for this, he provides a new mark, a former gangster turned famous chef, that he met at the church.

With a bad heart and fears about his health, he is eager to find his long lost son, kidnapped whilst he was still a baby.

While Danny plays the part of the mark's prodigal son and impresses the mark, Mickey and Ash begin to worry about Albert's state of mind, especially when he starts losing at cards.

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