Hustle - Season 5 Episode 3 - The Fate of Albert

08 Dec 2020

With only a few days to go until Albert's parole hearing, Mickey decides to help him celebrate with something special, by tricking a judge, the last of the "old guard", into thinking that they can lead him to a fortune that was promised to him by a deceased criminal: a haul from a major bullion job.

Apparently, the crook had promised his share as a bribe to get himself a reduced sentence, and his partner supposedly took exception to it, for he died before revealing the location.

The other escaped prison several years later and soon committed suicide, and it is this person Mickey uses for the basis of the con. While it's on, Ash tries to teach Sean some important rules of the grifting game at a local casino.

But unbeknown to the gang, as they work on their tasks, Albert is facing trouble from a ruthless new prison governor, who is determined to uncover any of the illegal activities he's been doing while in prison, so that he won't be leaving anytime soon.

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