Hustle - Season 6 Episode 5 - Conned Out of Luck

08 Dec 2020

What should have been the start of a holiday for the grifters begins with the team finding out that Mickey has been conned by a fraudulent product.

Albert reveals that for a grifter to be conned by such a small-time scam will lead to serious bad luck. His point is proven, when Mickey rolls "snake eyes" with every throw of dice, gets the lowest card of those picked by the team, and the team finds out Eddie has had a stroke of good fortune.

The team decides to go after the person responsible for conning Mickey: the CEO of Dreamfixers, a businessman with no moral ethics (he sells dodgy gear that he re-labels), and seriously bad wordplay.

Their scheme is to sell a product that will be the next big thing, and because of Mickey's bad luck, Ash must take the lead, but he finds making the con is not easy without their leader's help.

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