Hustle - Season 7 Episode 6 - London Mafia Take On The Gang (Finale)

08 Dec 2020

After an all-night card session, the team arrives at Eddie's bar to find a box containing Cool Hand Cooper – a well-known character in the grifting world.

He posted himself to the bar as part of an elaborate prison break and is now in grave trouble. Once the best safe-cracker in the game, Cooper has been in prison for a decade for stealing some diamonds, having buried them just before he was put inside.

Cooper is desperate to unearth the sparklers after discovering they belong to well-known Mafia family the Baccinis, who have already killed the other members of Cooper's gang.

Adverse to the danger posed by the Mafia, Mickey decides to back out, but when Eddie's bar is set on fire, he realizes that he does not have a choice.

Just as things look like they could not get worse, the crew learn the somewhat inconvenient burial place of the diamonds; under a police station.

As the team starts to set their plan into action, Albert has an unexpected visitor from his past who has some news that will change his life forever.

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