Hustle - Series 2 Episode 3 - Rare Money & Revenge

08 Dec 2020

Danny has discovered a potential new member for the crew and decides to bring him into the team and with their latest con, but Mickey is not convinced until Danny's persistence finally pays off, and the new kid is let in. Their con is simple: to swindle a Nigerian arms dealer.

The mark is a collector of rare currency notes and is eager to acquire a rare Confederate $1,000 bill, of which one is owned by the former elderly wife of a now-dead collector in London.

The team decides to sell the mark a fake copy of the note using the original as a template. However, when the con goes wrong, and the fake note is lost while en route to the mark, the new member is blamed for the loss and the costly mistake, and promptly kicked out.

But the crew is unaware of how greedy and devious he is, as the sneaky grifter decides to steal the original and sell it, claiming the team's just reward for himself. This is certainly a grifter who gives others a truly bad name.

Meanwhile, Stacey finds out, that a sneaky bank manager has cheated the team out of money for certain charges they shouldn't have gotten, and decides to get revenge, asking Albert to help her con him, and make him know exactly what happens when you try to swindle a team of grifters.

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