Welcome To Cool Room Entertainment

24 Apr 2022

Cool Room Entertainment, a company formed by minorities, seeks not to be exclusive to them but rather to be inclusive of all. The Cool Room moniker, in its application, is so named after the cerebral cortex -- the part of the brain that houses the images and words of expression -- our creative core.

Film expression has become as important to societal structure as breath to life. Its unique ability to bridge gaps and shades of race, culture, faith, thought, fear and prejudice should be given every opportunity to reach its full potential. It is with this belief that Cool Room Entertainment was created.

We make it our business to help the communities of the world by creating balance in the representation conversation. No matter the type content we produce, be it film, commercial, posts, blogs, or television, we are only going to be involved if that content has a positive connotation in the messaging or storytelling. Particularly, when it features, speaks to, or represents communities of color.

Small-to mid-ranged budget films with theatrical release potential are the primary focus of Cool Room Entertainment. As a full-service media production unit, we endeavor to write, produce, develop and direct projects for film and television. As well as provide musical soundtracks.

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